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Don's Stats as of 23 Dec. '12
Squat- 3/285#
Bench Press- 1/275#
Deadlift- 1/370#
Overhead Press- 3/155#
Clean & Jerk- 1/185#
Snatch- 1/145#
Overhead Squat- 1/155#
Front Squat- 1/265#

I haven't been working on my CrossFit Benchmark WOD times because there are holes in my strength game.  For my current weight of 145#, according to Strength Standards, I am advanced for my bench presses & squats, intermediate for my deadlifts (unacceptable), and barely elite for my overhead presses.  My goals for 2013 are to become elite and maintain those levels in each of those 4 lifts.  I think after that point, I'll start working on my benchmark times.  Furthermore, my Olympic lifts are horrible and so are my squat variations.  I definitely have work to do!  With that being said, CrossFit Professional Athletes are so amazing and each one of them are my heros.  However, I don't plan for CrossFit to be the profession that feeds me and am in no rush.  All I'm looking for are small iterations.  Improvement is what counts for me.

Programming as of 23 Dec. '12
Since I'm targeting strength, I start most of my training sessions with one of the 4 primary lifts, using Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 prescription.  I'll plan to throw in short Metcons for the session, an Olympic lift, and recovery row or cool down phase.  Based on my energy levels, I'll adjust the plan accordingly by either increasing/decreasing weights or rep schemes.  The only thing that doesn't get adjusted is the 5/3/1 prescription for the main lift that day.  Sometimes I do two-a-days: (1) in the mornings I'll run a medium to long distance followed by skill work or do short interval runs/sprints followed by a short Metcon; and (2) in the evenings, that's when I work on my primary lifts.  It's a work in progress and I enjoy varying exercise schemes; sticking to a routine, for me, is boring and demotivating.  I always try to go to the gym with a buddy for the evening sessions because I tend to push myself more.  It shouldn't be like that, but that's what it is, so I run with it.

If you've figured it out, I work a full-time corporate job, yet still serve in the military reserves.  In order to do my job in the military (haha and keep up with the young bucks), it's imperative that I stay in shape.  I figure one of the other intentions in maintaining this blog is to show my juniors how I exercise and perhaps it would influence the way they approach fitness- away from the beach muscles and more locked on to functional fitness.  It's been my grave error in high school and college to focus on lifting just chest and biceps haha.  Luckily, for whatever reason (perhaps because I ran Cross Country), there isn't a gross difference in size between my legs and my arms.  I have been ashamed for some time that my arms were at one point, stronger than my legs.  This is no longer the case.

In 2008 at Camp Lejeune, I first learned about CrossFit from a couple of operators that were also CF instructors.  They were so passionate about the CF philosophy that it caught my interest and I've been incorporating CF into my sessions ever since.  In October of 2011, I earned the title of CrossFit Level 1 Trainer (CF-L1).  The primary reason of taking the course was to pass down the knowledge to my juniors in the military.  I don't have any paying clients and so far the only people I do train (and train with) are my friends in my unit, my cousins, and my bud from my old MMA gym.

Fitness is definitely a big part of my life and I enjoy sharing experiences with others that are either beginners to those that are super serious.  Working out is a great stress relief and it's enjoyable for me to challenge my mind & body daily.  I credit this lifestyle approach with keeping me sane and calm for the most part haha.

Now that I'm getting older, my metabolism isn't what it used to be to say the least haha.  If I'm not careful, I could pack on the LBs quite easily.  I've switched to a Paleo-ish diet, whereas most of my carb intake comes from raw almonds/walnuts, vegetables, and fruits.  Only on cheat days will I eat rice, bread or pasta... well it depends on my company and what the group decides to eat at times haha.  For protein, I stick to chicken breast, lean steak, and yes... bacon & eggs (sorry, can't give up everything).  I like to use the bacon for its fat sometimes.

As for supplementation, I am a big fan of Progenex for protein (too delicious and gets me going for life post-workout).  For ZMA, Glutamine, Glucosamine +CSA, Fish Oil, Melatonin, & Multi-vitamin, I buy from Optimum Nutrition.  I know supplements obviously aren't Paleo, but sometimes you have to fill deficiencies in your diet if you aren't getting enough.

Typical Training Day (Two-a-Day) Looks like this:
**Keep in mind I am 145#**
Pre-workout #1: 1 scoop of More Muscle, Multi-Vitamin, Glucosamine +CSA
Post-workout #1: 1 scoop of Recovery, Glutamine, Multi-Vitamin, Fish Oil
Throughout the morning: walnuts, almonds, a banana, lots of water, a couple scoops of peanut butter (I blame Rich Froning)
Lunch: meats (consisting of either chicken breast or steak, maybe some egg or bacon), with greens and either a sweet potato or yam
Throughout the afternoon: water, peanut butter, tuna (canned with just water)
Pre-workout #2:1 scoop of More Muscle
Post-workout #2: 1 scoop of Recovery, Glutamine, Multi-Vitamin, Fish Oil
Dinner: same as lunch
Before sleep: 1 scoop of Muscle Milk, ZMA, Glucosamine +CSA, Melatonin

It's simple and easy to follow.  I'm not one for flavor, I mainly view food's purpose as to fuel us.  It is nice to eat fancy here and there, but is not a necessity to me.

Recent Experiences Involving Fitness
June to July 2012- Operation Javelin Thrust: MCB 29 Palms, California
November 2011- Tough Mudder: Tri-State
October 2011- Men's Health Urbanathlon
September 2011- Civilian Military Combine: Pennsylvania
November 2010- Tough Mudder: Tri-State
February to March 2010- Operation Cold Response: Arctic Circle, Norway
September 2008 to April 2009- Operation Iraqi Freedom: Ar Rutbah, Al Anbar Province, Iraq
January to April 2008- Infantry Squad Leaders Course: Camp Geiger, North Carolina
July to August 2007- Khaan Quest: Mongolia

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