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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Training Day 20121227

Another view of my new gym
In Gates of Fire, Pressfield writes: “Nothing fires the warrior’s heart more with courage than to find himself and his comrades at the point of annihilation, at the brink of being routed and overrun, and then to dredge not merely from one’s own bowels or guts but from one’s discipline and training the presence of mind not to panic, not to yield to the possession of despair, but instead to complete those homely acts of order which Dienekes had ever declared the supreme accomplishment of the warrior: to perform the commonplace under far-from-commonplace conditions.”  The reason I bring up this quote is because I found myself screaming profanities due to the cold on the walk to the gym from my apartment as I was dressed in shorts and a hoodie.  I realized how soft I've gotten the last few years, might as well call me Kleenex 'cause I'm softer than tissue haha.  Anyway, the quote reminds me that the point of enduring training sessions, exposing yourself to the elements, and stepping outside of your comfort zone is primarily about building mental toughness.  Strength and all those physical capabilities are the bonuses that come with training, but the mentality to keep pressing forward no matter the circumstance is the true reward.

With that said, I haven't taken a rest day in a few days, so I took it down a notch this session.  Tomorrow, I'll take a full rest day yet will still be active as I roam New York City, taking pictures... weather permitting.  Though mainly by myself, it's been a really good vacation so far to step back, have this time to think and prioritize my life.

OH Presses
5/65#, 5/75#, 3/95#, 5/115#, 3/135#, 1+/145# (I hit 5/145#)

EMOM For 6mins
5 Power Cleans @ 105#, then

500m slow, recovery row (I completed at 2mins 23sec)

Cleans & Jerks
5/75#, 5/95#, 3/115#, 5/140#, 3/155#, 1+/175# (I hit 2/175#)

For Time
Row 200m
2 Pistols each leg
Row 200m
1 pistol each leg
Row 200m

I finished in 3min 6 sec

I cashed out with:
15 T2B
20 Airsquats

Calf Raises- 25/135#, 25/135#, 25/135#, 25/155#
10 Dumbbell Thrusters - 20# each hand

AMAP KB Swings @ 70#

- I know that after vacation, I'm going to have to drastically shorten the workouts and consider more frequent two-a-days if I want to squeeze in a lot of things.
- PART I: Although I knocked out 5/145#, according to strength standards, my 1RM decreased by 4# haha! Ugh!  I should've went for 6 or 7 haha.
- PART II: Loving the EMOM work.  The more I do it, the more I feel like I'm getting better at the movements I incorporate EMOM with.
- PART III: According to strength standards, my 1RM should increase by 10#.  I'll take that!
- PART IV: I went out too fast on my first 200m, so luckily I only programmed low reps of pistols haha.  I could barely feel my legs after this.
- PART V: T2B and Air Squats felt smooth.  It also was nice to do calf raises with a loaded barbell.  I also haven't attempted 70# at KB Swings in awhile and will need to work with that weight more!  I ended up doing 11.

I didn't end up going out last night, so my roommate, a couple of friends, & me are probably going to hit up Brother Jimmy's BBQ for happy hour and perhaps watch the Rusell Athletic Bowl... go RU!

1 comment:

  1. Part I:
    OH (Overhead Press)
    5/63#, 5/75#, 3/95#, 5/115#, 3/135#, 1+/145# (I hit 6/145)

    Part II:
    EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) for 6 mins
    5 Power Cleans @ 115#, then

    500m slow recovery row
    Finished at 2mins 16secs

    Part III:
    Clean and Jerk
    5/75#, 5/95#, 3/115#, 5/145#, 3/155#, 1+/185# (I hit 1/185# and failed at 2nd rep)

    Part IV:
    For Time
    Row 200m
    2 Pistols each leg
    Row 200m
    1 Pistol each leg
    Row 200m

    Finished at 2mins 51secs

    Part V:
    15 T2B (Tow 2 Bar)
    20 Air squats

    Calf raises (Barbell) - 25/135#, 25/135#, 25/135#, 25/155#
    10 Dumbbell thrusters - 20# each hand

    AMAP (As Many As Possible) KB (kettlebell) swing @ 70#
    I did 9 reps
