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Monday, December 24, 2012

Training Day 20121224

I hate going to the gym by myself, but I did a couple of hours ago... I told my cousin Geoff last night, who lives out in Arizona, that I started blogging again and he was pumped to just follow my programming.  Haha if you beat my times, I had an off day today, so that's my excuse Geoff.

Bench Presses
5/115#, 5/135#, 3/165#, 5/205#, 3/235#, 1+/260# (without a spot, I only felt comfortable doing 1/260#)

Two quick met-cons:

7minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
7 Decline Bench Presses @ 155#
7 Box Jumps

I did 7 Rounds flat

Rest 5 minutes

3 Rounds
15 HRPU (hand-release push-ups)
10 Power Cleans @ 75#
5 Burpees

finished in 4mins 30sec

5/65#, 5/65#, 3/80#, 5/100#

I cashed out with:

1600m row (recovery pace)
AMAP T2B (toe-to-bar)

- PART I: I hate to dump weight & it makes me look foolish for not asking for a spot.  I think I'm just going to repeat the same percentages for bench presses for the next cycle of 5/3/1.
- PART II: Have a feeling Geoff is going to destroy my numbers haha.  I felt strong on my box jumps and surprisingly, 155# was challenging on decline.  I felt funny doing power cleans afterwards and going into burpees after that definitely got my legs sluggish.
- PART III: I had to start with #65 for the snatches because that's the lowest w/bumpers my gym has.  I originally programmed for 6 sets and was going to 5/3/1 this, but was too smoked after 5/100#.  My lower back and right shoulder said, "no mas."
- PART IV:  Row felt good and went on a good, slow pace.  Finished under 7mins 20sec.  For T2B, ended up doing 12.  My right shoulder felt a little funny and didn't want to push it.  Lastly, banged out 20 dips.
- I made myself lasagna and it was waiting for me in the over when I got back from the gym.  I think I may have to go for another session later this evening haha.

1 comment:

  1. Part I: 5/95#, 5/115#, 3/135#, 5/155#, 5/165, 3/170#
    ** I haven't benched in over 3 weeks. I switched over from wide to close grip. Without a spot, I didn't want to try anything heavy at all since my 1RM is 225# (sadly haha) looking forward to increasing my bench and repping 225#

    Part II:
    7min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
    7 decline bench press @ 140#
    7 Box Jumps @ 24"

    I finished 6 rounds + 4 decline bench press
    ** Comparing to my cousin who can max out at 300lbs+, I realized that the decline weight was at about 50% his 1RM. I could've gone past 7 rounds with a decline bench at 105/110# since my 1RM is about 225#. Kinda mad about not matching his 7 rounds.

    Rest 5 minutes

    3 Rounds for Time
    15 HRPU (hand release push ups_
    10 cleans @ 100#
    5 burpees
    Finished 3:30
    **Made up for the under par performance from the previous Met-Con my cousin did by adding a few more lbs to the power clean. All moves went unbroken. the HSPU were actually difficult to do after the 2 previous sets of chest exercises, so they were slow and well-paced IMO.

    Part III: Snatch
    5/65#, 5/70#, 3/75#, 5/80#
    ** I have to say, humbly, that 80# is my PR for snatches. I've never really practiced any snatches heavier than 65#. I've always practiced the snatch squat motion up to 115# and the whole snatch motion with PVC pipes, but never the whole motion with weights. I felt a little weak in catching the weight at the top, but I think waiting at the bottom part of the squat til I got my overhead squat position right to stand up.

    Part IV:
    1600m row
    >30s/m pace | 8:22 time

    AMAP T2B (toe-2-bar)
    21 T2B

    AMAP Dips
    23 Dips

    **Felt pretty good overall. I was hoping for a higher bench, a faster Part I time and a heavier snatch load. Can't wait to level up in all parts of the WOD. Thank you Progenex Recovery for letting me do 2-a-days haha.
