Another view of my new gym |
With that said, I haven't taken a rest day in a few days, so I took it down a notch this session. Tomorrow, I'll take a full rest day yet will still be active as I roam New York City, taking pictures... weather permitting. Though mainly by myself, it's been a really good vacation so far to step back, have this time to think and prioritize my life.
OH Presses
5/65#, 5/75#, 3/95#, 5/115#, 3/135#, 1+/145# (I hit 5/145#)
EMOM For 6mins
5 Power Cleans @ 105#, then
500m slow, recovery row (I completed at 2mins 23sec)
Cleans & Jerks
5/75#, 5/95#, 3/115#, 5/140#, 3/155#, 1+/175# (I hit 2/175#)
For Time
Row 200m
2 Pistols each leg
Row 200m
1 pistol each leg
Row 200m
I finished in 3min 6 sec
I cashed out with:
15 T2B
20 Airsquats
Calf Raises- 25/135#, 25/135#, 25/135#, 25/155#
10 Dumbbell Thrusters - 20# each hand
AMAP KB Swings @ 70#
- I know that after vacation, I'm going to have to drastically shorten the workouts and consider more frequent two-a-days if I want to squeeze in a lot of things.
- PART I: Although I knocked out 5/145#, according to strength standards, my 1RM decreased by 4# haha! Ugh! I should've went for 6 or 7 haha.
- PART II: Loving the EMOM work. The more I do it, the more I feel like I'm getting better at the movements I incorporate EMOM with.
- PART III: According to strength standards, my 1RM should increase by 10#. I'll take that!
- PART IV: I went out too fast on my first 200m, so luckily I only programmed low reps of pistols haha. I could barely feel my legs after this.
- PART V: T2B and Air Squats felt smooth. It also was nice to do calf raises with a loaded barbell. I also haven't attempted 70# at KB Swings in awhile and will need to work with that weight more! I ended up doing 11.
I didn't end up going out last night, so my roommate, a couple of friends, & me are probably going to hit up Brother Jimmy's BBQ for happy hour and perhaps watch the Rusell Athletic Bowl... go RU!